You may be tempted to save a few bucks by choosing to "try out" the counterfeit AQUAGOLDs that have come onto the market. Unfortunately, we have located fake AQUAGOLDs that are being advertised on Amazon and social media. Safety is paramount at AQUAGOLD® fine touch™, by using unregulated AQUAGOLDs results and quality cannot be guaranteed. They look exactly the same without the microscope. They come with the same product description, images and photos. The fraudulent ones sometimes even claim that they are authentic – but at a much lower price point! Please remember to fully review any products you are applying to your body, especially as sensitive as this!
AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ is a disposable, single-use microinjector. Nothing should be offered to take home or reuse at another time!
As a patient, it is key to vet whom you choose to receive services from, especially when receiving injectables or more invasive treatments.
Fake AQUAGOLDs pose a significant public health risk because they are often using components that are not medical-grade. Consumers are sometimes dangerously advised that it is safe to re-use the injection devices when it is not. Counterfeit needles could be non-sterile and place the user at risk of infections.
It is vital that all medical technology devices comply with the law. Non-compliant devices and parts can be dangerous and carry significant risks if they do not meet the original manufacturer's specification, including the requirements of the appropriate standards and regulations. When using AQUAGOLD® fine touch™, no customer should be worried about their safety. Please review the product to ensure you are getting “the real deal”.
The genuine AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ products are manufactured by Aquavit Life Sciences, Inc. and distributed by Aquavit Skin Application Platform (A.S.A.P., Inc.). Aquavit has recently completed a rigorous FDA inspection and is dedicated to adhere to the GMP process to the highest level.

Sterilization Sticker
Genuine AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ are sealed with a round purple or blue sterilization indicator. If the box is missing the sticker, or has a different sticker, it is most likely to be a fake AQUAGOLD® fine touch™.
Serial Number
Genuine AQUAGOLDs contain serial numbers that are tracked closely by the company, and reported to FDA at times of inspection for overall Quality System.

(Source: Instagram post by Medical Aesthetics of Virginia)

(Source: Willow Med Spa and Salon)
Multipack (20 unit) Configuration
The fake AQUAGOLDS are packed in the multipack box without any individual packaging.
(Counterfeit AQUAGOLD® Multi Pack)
The fake AQUAGOLDs may display stolen arts from the genuine AQUAGOLDs. However, if you pay close attention, the labeling, and user manual will soon appear suspicious with broken English, and some sloppy copy/paste work.

(Genunine AQUAGOLD® has ® and ™ mark on the packaging)

Material and Structural DefectsNow, you will need a microscope if you really want to be sure. Here is a microscopic photo provided by a doctor who tested both the genuine and fake AQUAGOLD.
Missing the most important thing: Often, they don’t even have the microchannels! This means, your doctor just has wasted all the valuable drugs on top of your skin and not microinjected into the skin. Furthermore, improper sterilization may result in infection or complications.